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Chapter II is written based on the template provided by the client from his or her university. A total of 30 pages will be provided for Chapter II.  The topics for Chapter II are to be agreed upon by the client and by the consultant BEFORE writing begins.  Chapter II will be emailed to the client in 45 business days, in accordance with the consultant's business calendar.  Three free revisions are also included with Chapter II.  Revisions are provided within 15 business days from the date that they are emailed to the clients. All revisions emailed after 12 noon EST will be processed the next business day.  Revisions are based on the major professor's comments.  $2,000 is the base pay and does not include the expeditiing fee for a 30-business day, a 15-business day delivery, or a 5-business day deliveryg.  Refund Policy: Due to the nature of the writing services provided, no refund will be provided to the client once the he or she receives the document from the consultant via email. If the clients fails to provide the document within 45 business days, in accordance with the consultant's business calendar, a full refund will be given to the client.

Chapter II: The Literature Review

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